A tale of two Prime Ministers..

First we have Paul Martin, in the death throes of his last campaign, jumping on stage and making such an ass of himself even me, a rabid right winger, was embarrased for him. I guess the real sad thing is, for liberals anyway, is that they have only gone downhill from there, as leaders go.
Yet, the band still plays on, on the good ship Liberal!
I still rmeember how incredibly stupid he looked.
If you're going to get on stage with the band, you'd better be able to play. And if you're in the band, don't pull someone on stage to pretend to play. Especially not someone who's nearly 60 years old.
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martin looks like this guy (nixon?) in this photo i used for an "article" i wrote when i was 18.
or it's just some guy. either way similar!
that it is! and they have never been seen in the same place at once, no?
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