Thursday, September 13, 2007

Eat more meat to save the earth

Since the eco-nuts want us to stop eating meat to save the planet, using the logic that if we do, less C02 farting bovines will be wandering about farting and belching us all to a scorched earth.

So, following this same line of reasoning, since we are still in a *more or less free country, those of us that refuse to stop eating meat should be encouraged to hunt, should we not? Using this same logic, every time I whack bambi or bullwinkle, I take a C02 emitting critter out of the equation, fill my freezer, thus don't have to buy sides of beef, so one less bovine is also out of the equation, a double bonus!

If I am shrinking my carbon footprint by whacking wildlife for food, then I think hunting should be strongly encouraged, license fees dropped and tags thrown in gratis as well. That alone would save me over a hundred shekels yearly!

what say you, o environmental warriors?


Thursday, September 06, 2007


So I guess I have to change my profile now, as of last week hitting the 1/2 century mark.

I don't feel THAT different, and it's a total coincidence I've taken up running a few km's a day now.
Yeah I'm trying to slow down the clock, but who doesn't at this age? I remember too clearly from my logging camp days the guys this age hacking and wheezing in their bunkhouse rooms with several bottles of med's on their desk and don't want to end up like that.

My wife is still in her 30's and THAT feels pretty cool! Even if is is only for another 13 months..